Who are We Really?

That is often the question of theologians and philosophers. But it was also what the ordinary folk used to ask and could readily answer. Now, locked up in reality television and other alternate realities, people ignore this important question until it’s too late. Is it any wonder that our novels are so often about people searching for who they really are? Trying to become what they were meant to be?

John Eldredge writes in The Journey of Desire:

We all share the same dilemma — we long for life and we’re not sure where to find it…Our days come to us as a riddle and the answers aren’t handed out with our birth certificates. We must journey to find the life we prize. And the guide we have been given is the desire set deep within, the desire we often overlook or mistake for something else or even choose to ignore.

The greatest human tradegy is simply to give up the search. There is nothing of greater importance than the life of our deep heart. To lose heart is to lose everything…

The clue to who we really are and why we are here comes to us through our heart’s desire.

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One thought on “Who are We Really?

  1. the question is like flag we cary until the truth burn it. Are we ready to take it in? The answer is screaming in your face 🙂


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