Will You Abandon Humanity?

“The greatest cataclysm in human history.” – Ken Burns

The War is perhaps the best documentary on WWII ever filmed. I am currently watching through the series for the second time, which seems very appropriate considering some things I’ve heard recently.

Certain groups of people in the younger generations are speaking about how depressing and terrible the world seems to them. They see no hope for the future, and many have decided not to have children. I feel bad for those who apparently have no knowledge of their ancestor’s history; for the loss of resilience among these people; for their suppressed human spirit; for the close-minded manner of thinking they have indoctrinated with.

Is anything now so bad – real or imagined – compared to the most horrific conflict our species endured? One that occurred not early in our history, but recently while we were supposedly at the height of civilization.

When the veterans returned from this war, did they give up on life? Did they, after seeing such unprecedented death and evil, shut themselves from society and promise never to have children? Did they abandon the responsibility of ever generation to move forward?

No, they did the exact opposite.

Every time has its challenges, its problems, its obstacles.

Every era also has its people who embody the spirit of thousands of generations before them as they rise to overcome everything thrown at them.

For those who see no hope, let me apologize on behalf of those older than you that abandoned their responsibility to teach you our past. Now do yourself a favor and watch what your ancestors, only a few short decades ago, faced, endured, and conquered.

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