Our Leaders Have Failed Us

“The world’s political and financial elite have access to bunkers to protect themselves and their loved ones from a nuclear blast and ensuing fallout. Politicians have plans in place to protect themselves so they can continue to wage a nuclear war from underground…

“But what about the rest of us? We have nowhere to go. Our leaders have failed us…they have done nothing to protect us…They don’t care about us. We are left to be incinerated…If by some miracle we survive [the attacks] and the ensuing nuclear fallout, we will be left to endure the pain and suffering caused by radiation, no food and water, and a nuclear winter – leaving a barren landscape of death and destruction…” – Tulsi Gabbard

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Not All Solar Storms Make Pretty Lights

With the recent solar storms, I thought this post appropriate to reshare. Sometimes we forget that light in the sky is a massive star, boiling with unfathomable energy.

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The War on Your Health

“If you ancestors ate it, it’s probably good for you. If scientists invented it in the twentieth century or later, it’s probably poison.” – Dr. Philip Ovadia

It’s a strange time. Civilization is at the height of knowledge and technology. Yet people have seem to have accepted:

Over 60% of adults are on prescription drugs.

Chronic diseases are more prevalent than ever, even though over 80% of them are preventable.

Longevity is decreasing.

Birth rates are falling.

People have come to accept they will spend the last decades of their life declining in health, slowly dying, in a nursing home.

None of this is normal. Only a few generations ago, these realities were unknown and unthinkable.

What happened?

We have abandoned common sense, and centuries of healthy eating, in a short period of time. We’ve left our health up to other people. The problem is, virtually none of what we’ve been told is rooted in biology. Government standards and recommendations are driven by money (corporate influence), not science. The evidence is in the results: The more we have followed their health advice, the worse off we have been, yet they still double down on their failed recommendations.

How do we know what to believe when it comes to knowing what to eat? It really isn’t that hard, and Dr. Philip Ovadia’s quote at the beginning speaks to that truth.

Eat what your body is designed to eat.

It’s not made to eat processed, factory foods. It needs relatively little sugar, carbs, and fiber to survive. Humans are classified as omnivores, but our biology is designed to operate optimally by primarily ingesting animal-based foods. As Dr. Ovadia has said, the food pyramid is completely upside down.

Our abandonment of basic biology has had other devastating effects as well. Molecular geneticist Michael Nehls has written:

“More and more people under the age of sixty-five” are seeing signs of dementia and Alzheimer’s disease. “…age is not the cause…hippocampal dementia takes time due to an unhealthy lifestyle…dementia or Alzheimer’s disease is a modern phenomenon or a modern disease of civilization.”

Healthy lifestyle maintains brain function well into old age. One cause comes from the upside down food pyramid, which gives us a serious, macronutrient deficiency: Lack of protein. As Dr. Gabrielle Lyon details:

“Your bones, ligaments, tendons, liver, brain, skin…are all built from proteins…Proteins are the master regulators of all that is happening in your body, controlling function in all tissues and organs…Proteins facilitate critical cellular functions, including balancing hormones, and serve as vital immune-system mediators…protein [is] critical for longevity, metabolic function, and quality of life.”

Yet government RDA for protein is basically at the bare minimum for survival.

Neither the government, nor corporate or medical culture, is concerned about your health. On purpose, captured by profit motive, or both, it doesn’t matter. The result is the same. Miserable health and compromised longevity for all of us. You don’t have to accept this as your fate. Dr. Ovadia writes:

“You can live healthy your whole life and die in your nineties. We shouldn’t have a ten- to twenty-year period of our lives where we’re progressively dying day by day and miserable the whole time.”

Science and common sense are our weapons to win this war.

We already lost too many battles. Time to turn the tide.

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Save Farming, Save Humanity

Across the country, students are protesting the war between Israel and Hamas. Many admit they really don’t know what they are protesting. Others are now probably shocked and surprised they are being arrested.

If only they, and everyone else, was clued in to the coming collapse of the food supply. If only they, and everyone else, recognized that government-supported industrial farming is both a health and environmental catastrophe.

Our health is worse than ever before. Birth rates and longevity is decreasing. We are quickly becoming the world depicted in Children of Men.

There is a growing awareness that we are heading over a cliff. The solutions are not difficult…if we work together.

The documentary Common Ground has shown how people of all backgrounds and beliefs can come together on the same solution. Surprising to some, but don’t we all want the same things? Good health? Long lives? Better future for our children? No Farms, No Food is real thing. So is Bad Farms, Bad Food. Both lead to the same disaster.

In less than a century, the rich topsoil across the Great Plains, and on most other farmlands around the world, has been stripped away. Soil that took millennia to create, gone in a few short decades. Farmers now require millions of tons of fertilizers and chemicals to grow crops and raise animals. The resulting pollution is staggering, the health effects destructive. Coupled with corporate desire to cheapen food and maximize profit, nearly everything we eat is tainted and unhealthy.

There is a solution, and it doesn’t require rocket science. Just basic biology.

Nature’s intricately balanced design of plant and animal life creates a regenerating ecosystem producing topsoil, clean air and water, and healthy food. Farmers and gardeners have known this for generations: Rotate land between crops and animals. No fertilizers and chemicals needed. Old is new.

It’s time to set aside emotionalism and blind activism. We need to see the real enemies aren’t each other, but the corporate and government interests who don’t care what happens to us. It’s time to return to the biological design that allowed humanity to flourish. We can only defy biology for so long, and we are already losing that battle.

This war to save our food supply is one we can, and must, win.

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The Awakening has Begun

A war has raged for millennia as most have been unaware. Hidden has this war been, yet it drives the chaos that often spills into the world. This war hasn’t always been unknown. What we now know as myth was once history. Those times have returned.

The Awakening has begun and it is far from over.

Become part of the epic battle between Light and Darkness. Order Among the Shadows and Awakening and join the fight!

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Human Civilization Could End in Minutes

When you realize the leaders of the world spent decades planning for the genocide of humanity – and still have such plans in place – if you had any iota of trust in government left, it will certainly leave the rational mind.

This is what makes Annie Jacobsen’s new book, Nuclear War, so disturbing. In it she details a scenario, based on declassified documents and interviews with government officials, in which a nuclear war unfolds. For decades, government leaders around the world knowingly and willingly made plans for the genocide of the human race. As Jacobsen has stated, “No matter how a nuclear war starts, it ends with everyone dead.”

Ronald Reagan had said, “A nuclear war cannot be won and must never be fought.” This is why he initiated the missile defense program, a technologically difficult program to shoot down nuclear ballistic missiles. It would be well into to the 21st Century before a limited, and problematic, system was deployed. Many of the same politicians casual in their planning for Armageddon, don’t seem to care about protecting their people from attack. Had missile defense had been taken seriously, had trillions not been spent on endless wars, could we have a robust missile defense system? Would Reagan’s dream of rendering nuclear ballistic missiles obsolete be a reality?

Throughout the Cold War, as described in 15 Minutes, close calls were abundant. Nuclear weapons were used carelessly and fielded in every way the military could imagine. Any weapon system could be made nuclear was made nuclear. Military planners advocated for preemptive nuclear war against enemies, as if nuclear attacks are self-contained and don’t impact the entire world. Now, in our own time, politicians once again toss around using nuclear weapons as if it comes with zero consequence. A world where war has been turned into another social program, the potential of nuclear conflict is quickly reaching Cold War levels.

As Jacobsen wrote, “Nuclear war is insane…The whole premise of using nuclear weapons is madness. It is irrational. And yet here we are.”

Perhaps people should put down their phones, shut off their televisions, and take control of their governments, and pay attention for once.

Once the missiles are launched, there will be no second chances.

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Atomic Age 2.0

With current technology, there is only one non-fossil fuel energy source that is reliable, high-output, and can power the entire world.


Unfairly vilified for decades, and misunderstood by the public, the once-promised nuclear age didn’t fully materialize. Now, many countries are revisiting nuclear as green energy sources have failed to live up to the hype.

“But nuclear is unsafe!”

Is it?

As Robert Zubrin details in his book, The Case For Nukes, fears have been unfounded. In the greatest of ironies, as governments treat nuclear weapons like toys and plan for worldwide genocide, nuclear powered warships sail around the world without incident. They steam by American cities, and into our ports. The submarines and aircraft carriers stationed at Norfolk and other bases aren’t encased in concrete bunkers. Their reactors are of the same type used in power plants. The Navy handles and stores nuclear fuel with frequent regularity.

It’s not that we cannot use nuclear safely; we do it every day.

Nor is nuclear physics a new, esoteric science. Commercial reactors have produced long past their design life. Next-generation reactors now in the works have far more promise. Where would we be had we not slowed nuclear power plant construction to near zero?

Someday, we will mine Helium-3 on the Moon for fusion reactors. In the meantime, we should go back to the future and revisit an old tech, shine it up, and power the entire world.

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Pandora’s Box: Funded by Your Tax Dollars

Since the aftermath of WWII, the U.S. has engaged in dangerous, and often unethical or illegal, biological research and experimentation.

It traces its lineage to the horrific human experimentation undertaken by Imperial Japan and the Third Reich. This research was obtained by the U.S., along with many of the war criminals who produced it. They were protected from prosecution.

Since then, a number of now common diseases emerged from these labs you funded. There have been many close calls the public are not aware of, nor aware they were sometimes the test subjects.

When certain types of research were declared illegal in the U.S., labs were built or funded in other countries. This is still active government policy to get around pesky laws.

While they keep people distracted with partisan politics, this is the sort of irresponsible and dangerous behavior they happily engage in.

How much longer will the people allow this to continue?

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Are You Ready for the End?

“Humanity has all but forgotten about the humanities on the way to Armageddon.” – Anthony T. Hincks

The modern world pays little attention to the skies. We are told our ancestors and their obsession with the heavens was just superstition and fear.

Perhaps we should share their fear. At any given moment, one storm on the Sun could end civilization. William Forstchen explores what would happen, in his novel, 48 Hours.

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Do You Live in an Artificial World?

The average person now spends 93 percent of their life indoors…This is a catastrophe, the final nail in the coffin for the human soul. You live nearly all your life in a fake world: artificial lighting instead of the warmth of sunlight or the cool of moonlight or the darkness of night itself. Artificial climate rather than the wild beauty of real weather…All the surfaces you touch are things like plastic, nylon, and faux leather instead of meadow, wood, and stream. Fake fireplaces; wax fruit. The atmosphere you inhabit is now asphyxiating with artificial smells — mostly chemicals…instead of cut grass, wood smoke, and salt air…In place of the cry of the hawk, the thunder of a waterfall, and the comfort of crickets, your world spews out artificial sounds…Dear God, even the plants in your little bubble are fake. They give no oxygen; instead the plastic off-gases toxins…This is a life for people in a science fiction novel…Living in an artificial world is like spending your life wrapped in plastic wrap. – John Eldredge writing in Get Your Life Back.

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